KOB Shot of the Day #79: Pile of Paper Progreess

So that's that.
This is a view of my piled collection of call sheets, sides, shot lists and any other printed document I've folded and shoved into my pocket on-set over the past 30 days of shooting KOB, usually discarded each morning after we wrap to gauge the progress of the production by how high the pile gets, a strange habit I've had. 30 days of papers, a strange way to gauge the progress of a project, no? But it felt good to throw "Day 30" on top this morning (yup still up), digging up Day 1 at the bottom to remember first shot up...and the promptly shove them in the trash as I finished packing up and leaving Spokane, which will to me always be Eliphaz.
So glad to be home now with the family as I write this, but my body and head are still in "Mole People" mode as Borden called it, where usually at this time for the past 6 weeks, we would be when we're rolling cameras, and I can already tell acclimating back to the "real world" won't be so easy. What dId they always call it in the Vietnam movies? "Rotating back to the world" from "Being in 'The Shit'"? Right now tt all feels like a glorious blur, simultaneously seeming like its been a year since Day 1 of prep at the NXNW offices and just yesterday, gone by in a flash of smoke (a lot of it!). Still a LOT of work to do, but the puzzle pieces have been created and now it's time to make it all fit. Exciting times.