KOB Shot of the Day #85: The Line of Time
Hey all,
Sorry for the lack of SOTD/W(eek) lately...we've just been in the trenches as we refine and revise the cut of KOB and its going really well, despite a lack of a compelling visual.
Again, every day the film feels more and more like a real movie, not a bunch of scenes and shots and moments scattered across a bunch of hard drives. It's constantly evolving and will keep transforming till picture-lock. What you see above is The Knights Of Badassdom, The Timeline! MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT!!!
There it is folks, the whole kit and cabootle (as of now) Exciting huh??
How kick ass is this flick, right? Um...right? Can't you see it?! What? No? Well, screw YOU! No, I keed.
It's amazing how all the hard work put into a project culminates in this complex series of lines, shapes and markers on a computer screen. This process is a LONG way from the "good ole days" with a bin hanging strips of celluloid, ready to be spliced to shit on a Movieola and mucked up with gooey tape...yet, a great discipline to cut like that where every splice degraded your workprint; kids these days its all CUT CUT CUT! (shakes fist). I do love how easy it is to cut on Avid or Final Cut (even on one's laptop) but cutting on a Steenbeck table gave you more of a discipline to the cut, as if....every cut counted. But those days are gone (except for Michael Kahn, Spielberg's longtime editor who still cuts the old-fashioned way). Long Live The Newly Edited Flesh.
Looking at this, It would actually be awesome if someone started an art gallery of timelines of films cut digitally to expose the odd beauty to these constructions of clips in digital form, fused together with 0's & 1's. What would PULP FICTION look like on a timeline, or THE DARK KNIGHT or CASINO (which I heard was Thelma Schoonmaker's first foray into Avid cutting)? This needs to happen!!!
Back to the edit before In N Out arrives, excuse me...
PS: Don't forget to check out the new short from Adam Green & myself called JUST TAKE ONE! Adam and his team at ArieScope do a Halloween short annually and this year is no different. I had a blast acting in one a few years back (The Tiffany Problem) and this year Green and I take center stage to warn you on the dangers of hoarding sweets during Halloween. Look out for the funny cameo at the end too!