Shot of the Day #93: Unkie Luke to the rescue!

Shot with Nikon D90. Click to enlarge.
Friday night. In the past, it was the ringing in of the weekend from a long, hard week, the entry way to the allowance of being "up all night" and "sleep all day". It was usually the night I'd race off to the movies for "opening night" which was always the best crowd to gauge a movie's effectiveness, at least at the theaters i'd go to. Friday's were special.
Well....then you have a kid! Fridays, Sundays,'s all Babyday. No matter, because it's worth that simple sacrifice. Being away from Bri and Remy during the day truly makes my heart grow fonder, yearning to step on the gas and make it home to sniff sweet, sweet baby head. Im an addict.
But yesterday, my best mate Luke said "You two. You are going to the movies and Im watching the Kid." A bold offer, especially since he'd be the first person to watch him other than family and the first time we'd be "going out" solo since he popped out. After much debate, what clinched it was the allure of Paul Walker and Vinny D. in the new FAST & FURIOUS movie. I know I know, why would we go see that dreck. Well, first...we both LOVE the first film. So much so that in Queens, I had a huge, 18X20 poster of the original Rob Cohen-helmed speed-fest in our living room, proudl displayed like a modern classic. The subsequent sequels, 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS (2 UGH) and TOKYO DRIFT (Surprisingly fun), weren't classic, but the idea of "getting the band back together" with original gang from the first film (including the mongoloid from GIRLFIGHT & the Demi Moore clone) was an offer we weren't going to refuse. Plus, it was the kind of disposable fare that if we had to leave at a moment's notice, I don't think we would have mind. I'd rather sit and really enjoy the nostalgic subtleties of ADVENTURELAND, thank you.
After trying to back out in fear Luke would be overwhelmed, he persisted (he's a stubborn fuck, that Rivett...and I love him for it) so we obliged. Plus, he had 3 episodes of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS to catch up on, so he was good as Texas Gold. It was tough prying Bri's fingers from the door jam as we left, but surprisingly, we made it over to The Bridge in no time, the reserved seats were there waiting for us (albeit a little too close for Bri; I love having to look from side to side to take in every part of the frame...its like instant IMAX!) and after a "already sleeping" text from home, we actually stayed for the whole film.
I gotta admit, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Sure it was C-grade popcorn junk, but who doesn't like competently made crap now and then? Justin Lin (who directed BETTER LUCK TOMORROW & TOKYO DRIFT) did a good job keeping the action crisp and clearly watched a lot of TRANSPORTER movies for those important "SHIFT ECU!!!!" shots. Everyone looked a little paunchier, but it played out well...although Clone Demi Moore looked like a deer in headlights the whole film; probably because she was shocked she still can work...even if its in a sequel to a movie she made 8 years later so its a gig by default. Plus, Im a sucker for car chases, and even though these were mostly of the "Burnout Revenge" sort with half-real, half-CG cars whizzing through various locales (and being sat on by a multitude of faceless "ass girls" who only seem to gyrate near cars in mini-skirts all day and night), they kept my blood pumping. All in all, super fun and we both left smiling....and ready to get the fuck home asap to cuddle our baby.
When we got in, Luke did great, even though after that sleeping text he sent, Remy then decided to wake up and fuss, but Lukie seemed to handle it like a champ, and we were really proud of him. Great work Matey, and thanks for giving us our Friday Night back, even for a few hours. Oi Oi Oi!
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