Shot of the Day #89: Wardrobe Malfunction

Sometimes I get blessed to work with some truly talented people, like the two ding dongs you see above.
The tall drink of Grizzly on the left is John Walsh, who is seen here hosting a pilot we're doing for the site. Seriously speaking, one of the funniest guys I've ever met. He's had one hell of a past and his present is pretty insane too, too much for me to jot down here, but we met through G4 years ago when I would shoot Red Carpet premieres with John for Filter, a now-debunked show on the channel. He and I got along famously, and the rest is history. Fun fact for you Fangoria fans: John was one of the original Dr. Cyclops' who reviewed videos for the mag! I always wondered who had the horrible task of watching all that dreck, and now I know. John is also the owner of one of the biggest hearts in the world, and it's always nice to see him lumbering down the hallways every day.
The dude to our right is one Frank Meyer. Also a renaissance man of sorts, it's hard to categorize Frank since it seems he has truly done it all. Rock Star. Writer. Producer. Actor. Ladies Man. "Content Development Specialist". The list goes on and on. Frank and I met when we were both handling duties on STREET FURY for G4, and then we began working together when i returned to G4's hallowed halls in 06 after the movie. Fuck, its been that long??? Jesus. Anyhoo, Frank and I work together on the site and he's one of the most talented dudes in the office, one of my go-to guys when we have an event or a shoot, big or small. He's also the creator and lead producer on the award-winning (and sadly "on hiatus") FREESTYLE 101, and our trip to NYC last year to accept a Webby award was a trip for the ages. He ALSO is in ANGUS KAHN, which if you need an anal raping of your eardrums, he's your IRREVERSIBLE. Frank is good peeps.
It's so funny how G4 attracts such a wide and varied talent pool, both in front and behind the scenes. One day Pop Culture historians and media gadfly's will look back at G4 and see how many great, creative people passed through the channel. These two schmoes, seen here screwing around with the best of 'em, will be chapters unto themselves. Great working with guys like these two.
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