Shot of the Day #94: Ninjas & Jibs

I don't know why, but I have a Camera crane fetish. Jimmy's, TechnoCrane, Spidercams...Im so fascinated with how a camera can be manipulated in it's motions and to me, a professional set is one with a crane in the immediate area. It's like saying "we mean bid'ness here". Probably because there is a process to set-up and break down (like the 7 hours it took to do ONE shot in WT2, the spin around shot with Rollins hanging upside down...what a debacle that was, but worth it!) and if you are using it, chances are you KNOW what you mean; not just saying "eh, just turn the cameras on and shoot whateva" which is becoming more the norm, and that scares me. There is a certain amount of the process that you just gotta leave to fate no matter how much prep you do, the "happy accidents" or those impromptu moments that come from being in the shit, but it's also comforting to know when you have your vision in place, know what you want & need. Having a job means, or the most part, the filmmakers know what they want. I respect that.
So when I got to the "Ninja Killer" set on the Venice boardwalk on Saturday to help shoot a package about our internet editors running the course, seeing the crane there gave me a warm feeling (or was that my flesh cooking from the sun? Stupid sunburn). The event was a promotional gimmick for the channel, which airs "Ninja Warrior" (one of our biggest hits) and the idea was to give the general public a chance to run a similar course to the ones those crazy Asians challenge their physical endurance with every week on the show, and long story short, it was a hoot. A great crowd showed up and everyone was in high spirits...and it seemed a few people were high themselves, but that's OK, it's Saturday. The members of my Internet dept who ran really went out in style, dressing as make-shift superheroes, Colonial times wenches and the like, put on a hell of a show for the crowd and the cameras and in all, made for some great footage. For having to work on a Saturday, I was glad I went and helped.
Below is a shot of some of the "Ninjas" on our team. I love them all, the kooky kids.

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