Shot of the day 351: H'wood Signage

If you live in Los Angeles, seeing these yellow signs on street corners is as common as a Starbucks on the same corner. These bright yellow signs, usually inscribed with some cryptic code-like copy and a strong arrow directing particular traffic, are for cast and crew of a production (or "show" if you wanna get all technical and inside-y about it) put up by some lowly PA at 4 in the morning to guide the usually bleary-eyed workers to their destination. Some are as blatant as "CSI:LA" and "G'FIELD" and as vague as "Anonymous" (which actually stands for the production company involved in the production). Here I'm guessing this is isnt the signs for the new adult hit, "Foreskin" (think about it) but for the cast and crew of "Parenthood" the TV show version of the Ron Howard classic comedy (One that I never guessed I would ever relate to) and as i sat in traffic, staring at the sign, I sometimes wished that the actual concept of Parenthood had easy-to-follow directions, too. That would be a HUGE help.
Strangely, the signs continued up Fairfax on my way to work and ended at a Carl's Jr. I dunno if there is any significance to that.
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