Shot of the Day 338: F the DMV

It's no secret that the Department of Motor Vehicles is one that leaves fear and frustration in the heart of even the most hardened man no matter what city, town or state you're in.
The set-up: So last week at KISS, it seems I lost my driver's license. Shit. Well, it happens (and it was for KISS, so i guess that's worth it), and now I just have to go to the DMV, fill out a form, pay the 22 smackeroos and that's it. Or so I thought....
Monday: Get to the DMV at 7:55am. Line around the block and absolutely no parking other than, as Im informed by the jovial but douchie security guard, paid parking down the street. OK, no biggie, Ill deal.
Tuesday: Can't go, shoot in the AM. Oh well.
Wednesday: Got up at 6 to be first (or at least 10th) in line by the time the doors open at 8. Arrive at 7:15, Im 7th in line (yes!). Wait. Wait some more. It's 8am...why aren't they open?? Then the same plump, faux-friendly security guard from Monday exclaims at 8:05 that "They are opening at 9am this morning" Um...why? "-because they can!" exclaims the rent-a-cunt. Are you kidding me? Attempt 2, failed.
Thursday: Remy doctor, not gonna make it. Damn.
Friday: OK, this is it. Last frikkin' time, right? RONG. I get there, wait in line and as 8am approaches and the queue has accumulated to about 50 people behind me (I'm currently 8th) the security guard comes out and says proudly: "Oh! They're closed today!" OK...reason? "I dunno! They just said Friday's we're closed!"
...and this, my friends, is when I became quite irate. I'll spare you the vulgarities, but man does the DMV perpetuate their well-known stereotypes.
Pray I dont get pulled over this weekend. Also, pray I dont get pulled over with this crack pipe in my car. Why? Cause Im hard like that, yo.
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