Shot of the Day #331: Park & Recreation

To stay away from the madness that is Black Friday, we decided to lay low and just hit the park down the street. Remy seemed to love the sand & watching him crawl through the granules and experience it all for the first time...well, it was like I was experiencing it with him. Seeing this world through new eyes truly puts things into perspective. Makes me wish I wasn't so big so I could join him in this mad, modern park structure.
I remember when we were moving from one house to another and stayed with my grandparents for 4-5 months, so the new school I attended just got a new, technologically advanced (well, for 1984) park configuration, and there was actually a WAIT to get in to play. Guess swings were just SO 70's...but now this kind of park seems old-fashioned when most kids would rather be home playing MODERN WARFARE.

Just being here with Bri, Remy & Banz makes today a perfect one. No career bullshit, no work hassles, no bill stress.
...Just us and the sand and the blue sky.
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