Shot of the Day 334: Bay-side

In Santa Monica in the evening for a meeting. Walked in and literally almost ran INTO Michael Bay, who is one of the few people I've come in contact with who can look down at a 6 ft 3 person of my like. Always been a fan of The Bay, and it was cool to just see him milling about, followed by about 4 assistants holding laptops as he walked. Power is in your entourage.
As I was in the waiting room, I noticed a relic from the TRANSFORMERS films under glass, a piece of the "All Spark", complete with sci-fi lighting & cool encasing and couldn't resist a snap. Now if there were only more scantily-clad lingere models, neon signs, helicopters and 'splosions in here...THEN I'd be impressed!
PS: Guy here has BRASS BAWLS to be walking around in public with a HALLOWEEN 6 jacket. Just sayin'. I don't think he was wearing it in an ironic sense either. That kind of shit gets you beat up at a Fango con.

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