Shot of the Day #329: I have been KISS'd

It's shocking to me to think, but yes...I have never been to a KISS show. It wasn't for lack of trying; I remember trying to gather anyone to see them twice in the 90's when they were on their first comeback tour and before that, I was way too young to hit up Madison Square Garden unless my parents went (and their version of a rockin' good show at the time was Billy Joel), so KISS was just one of those bands I missed out on, even though I was a fan. Not necessarily a member of the KISS ARMY, but I had a few albums and read both of Gene's biographies, if that qualifies. Actually, my biggest claim to KISS fandom is my adoration for Adam Rifkin & Tim Sullivan's KISStastic collaboration, DETROIT ROCK CITY, which came out 10 years ago (GULP) and while my brothers and I were the ONLY ones in the theater, it was one of my favorite films that year and my prized christmas gift that year as a DVD (we watched it twice Xmas evening too).

So I was lucky enough to procure two tickets to the KISS show at the Staples Center thanks to Kelli from Metal Blade, who couldnt go due to the holidays, so her unfortunate loss was our amazing gain. Bri couldnt go since she's got Remy anchoring her down (maybe next year buddy, YO GABBA GABBA was a primer but we gotta go slow) but thankfully she was cool with me going, and Green was thrilled to go with, so we decided to meet downtown to kick off the Thanksgiving festivities with a little Rock N Roll (All Night Long). Luckily we had friends there already like Parker, Mendez and Jacobs, who filled me in on what to expect and promised "One hell of a show". Well, after seeing DETHKLOK last's gonna be tough to top.

Long story short....I wanted the best. OH...I got the best. I got the best stage show I've ever seen this side of Broadway...I got fantatical fans, young and old, dressed and made-up like their favorite member of the band (There were a LOT of Starchildren, which had me guessing it was the easiest one to apply to fussy kids who couldnt yet appreciate the magnitude of the band's popularity)...and I got the band itself, which to some who have seen them multiple times might have been a bit predictable (Green had seen them multiple times and exclaimed that Paul's audience banter is exactly the same every show, every night) but to someone who was a KISS virgin, my cherry was GLORIOUSLY popped by the force of RAWK on display. I knew most of the songs, but I barely blinked the whole show in fear I'd miss anything. From the light show to Gene floating up to the rafters to Paul swinging over the crowd...these guys put on one hell of a show. I walked away happily dazed....and already planning on their return so I can bring Bri and Remy.

What am I thankful for this holiday weekend? For starters...KISS.

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