Shot of the Day #266: The Stone Lion of Misery.

I never really come down to this section of Culver City, right near Sony studios. I should, since there's good places to eat and the movie theater here aint bad, but I rarely do. Tonight however, after sifting though my business cards at work to update my address book, I happened upon a free coupon card for Chipotle, a burrito chain, that I got in a gift bag at Comicon 09. Sweet, free dinner! So I made my way over to Washington ave and before I walked in, I noticed this jovial statue in front of the multiplex, dancing in suspended animation as some water fountains lazily spurt around it. A family was standing in front of it, a father, mother and young boy (maybe 1? I can't tell these days) and from behind POV, I nearly had an out-of-body experience, as if that was US standing there. Made me miss my family so so much, miss having that complete feeling wherever we went, missed seeing things fresh through his new eyes, like stone fucking lions surrounded by water missles. I got very depressed right here, and the free burrito did not help actually.
Thanks Stone Lion...asshole.
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