Shot of the Day #249: At The Drive In...'s Projection Booth

If two guys go to the drive-in together in one car, is it considered gay? Even if its technically a location scout?
Here's inside the projection booth of the Vineland Drive In, one of the last remaining working drive-ins in America, which is truly sad and depressing. We're scouting for a secret project and decided after speaking with the nice gent who let us into the booth (which has 4 separate projectors that accommodate all 4 screens) we decided to stay and check out HALLOWEEN 2, which I already pretty much despised (Sorry, Rob) but thought "Well, at least I get to watch Green say 'Hey, it wasnt bad!'"
Thankfully, he agreed with me. Couldn't get the hole in the popcorn trick to work though, damn.

God I miss the Drive-In....
I run blogsite ( that covers horror/exploitation movies and metal/hard rock/punk music. Would you guys ever consider doing a quick interview with us? The interviews are usually done by e-mail and consist of 10 questions. If you would be interested please let me know! Thanks!!
Some of the ones we've done...
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