Shot of the Day #242: FrightFestX Day 4: London Lo-Mein

I barely know what today is. So tired, gotten 8 hours of sleep total since Tuesday. Everything hurts. Ugh. Plus, been so fucking busy with a new BC shoot AND finishing up the FrightFest shorts (was editing till 4am last night) that trying to get actual food between screenings (other than the shitty popcorn they have, assy Hot Dogs and the free beer) is something of a challenge. Thankfully the area has a bunch of "noodle shops" which serve low-grade Lo Mein with some chicken in various preparations, so here is me sitting away from the circle of madness outside the fest where the autograph mongers roam for a quick, quiet bite before I go back in....and of course not two bites into it and someone wants me to plug their "zombie walk" or do an interview. I do both, gladly and happily, but running on fumes can't work forever. Ugh.
Im shocked I even have an appetite after seeing HUMAN CENTIPEDE, which was like if David Cronenberg and Matthew Barney hooked up. Sick, twisted...and I kinda dug it. Later we enjoyed the hell out of NIGHT OF THE DEMONS remake our good friends Adam and Jace made; as a fan of the original, I was excited for this and for boobs and blood, the flick delivers big time. Adam and I then saw the VERY disturbing documentary I THINK WE'RE ALONE NOW, which chronicles the stalker obsessed life of two Tiffany fans. Jesus, was that strangely stark and thankfully funny too. Then another film I'd seen, Anthony DiBlassi's DREAD, which was even more fantastic the second time around (and beautifully shot by Sam McCurdy, who I think is avoiding me). Late tonight Landis is gonna show the VERY rarely seen THRILLER making of, which everyone is jazzed about, and should be fun. Hopefully tonight I get some sleep.
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