Shot of the Day #240: FrightFestX Day 2: The Coming of Landis

Wow, what a fucking day to say the least.
First Adam and I got up early to finish shooting the final pickups, which was fun. Love working with that fucking guy.
Then we went to a double shot of AWIL: Paul Davis' brilliant documentary BEWARE THE MOON, which is the most comprehensive documentary about AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON ever made, and it did not disappoint. We've been talking to Paul for years so it was so awesome to see him up there with his hairy baby.
Then, the main event: AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON's brand new HD-Blu-Ray transfer, and my god, it was like seeing the film for the first time. Landis sat behind me the whole time, leaning over to give me shot by shot commentary, and that alone was fucking surreal. Then, he gets up on-stage and has many of the UK cast and crew up with him, and the SECOND question asked was 'So....what was it like working with Joe Lynch and Adam Green on the shorts last year!" and he goes into a hilarious tear on us, calling us divas and "worse than tarantino" which to me was an honor! To which i screamed out "FUCK YOU LANDIS!!!" and the crowd goes nuts.
THEN....Landis turns to the crowd and says "Well funny story..." and talks about how he recommended me for my new project, which is called THE KNIGHTS OF BADASSDOM. He screams out "Hey Joe! Whats the name of the movie?"
"Im not telling!"
"Oh come on!!"
sigh...."The Knights of Badassdom!"
...and then he tells me in front of all the audience..."Dont fuck this up!" Yikes! Pressure much! Afterwards, Brendon from Slashfilm sauntered up to me for more info which I cryptically said some more on the project and then jetted the F out of there before more people asked about it. Thanks Landis!
Then we checked out the US/Italian suspense shocker SHADOW (meh), the french gonzo zombie vs. mobster flick THE HORDE (which made Landis fall asleep on my shoulder, how sweet) and finally the Indonesian Chainsaw massacre-esque MACABRE (which I was falling asleep to, actually) then back to the hotel for more work...but not before seeing this, which pretty much made our weekend (and no, we didn't make these):

UK fans are the bestest!!!
PS: The second night of AMERICAN DOUCHEBAGS IN LONDON went REALLY, really well. The crowd was loving it and i think Landis was really touched....or just so sick of us he's given up. Either or.
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