Shot of the Day #244: FrightFestX Day 4: Heading West

Waiting for our ride to the airport after a very emotional final night at The Phoenix. I hate goodbyes (does anyone actually admit to liking them?) so i usually try to race through the crowd, stick my hands up and wave furiously, hoping that "blanket greeting" will do the trick and high-tail it out of there. But with so many great people to bid farewell for another year, it was more difficult than usual. But got back to the hotel around 4, packed and tried to snooze a bit before we left.
Downstairs, Ti West, who we hung out with quite a bit here and became friends with, was already down, seemingly passed out next to a huge set of chess pieces. Dude looked comfortable. Out came the camera.
Oh....did I mention I left my passport back at the hotel? AGAIN?? Im not going into gory details, but its just confirmation that if you have that 'wait, am I forgetting something?' feeling....GO WITH IT. Im never taking travel advice from anyone ever again. After this, I shouldn't be allowed to go ANYWHERE without one of those touristy "fanny packs" stapled to my side. Ugh. REALLY didn't need the stress, especially for the last day. But it all worked out (with amazing, hollywood block-buster timing) and 13 hours later, we're home in Los Angeles, looking for the first good burrito place we wan find stat.
Till next year, FrightFest.
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