Shot of the Day #100(!): Calm before the storm...

Um, holy shit, I actually got this experiment to 100 days of pictures. Im quite impressed with myself. SO much has happened in the "First 100 Days" of 09, more than most people experience in 10 years, let alone 4 months. And guess what? THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. I guess the title for today is more than fitting for multiple reasons. To think what the next 100 days will bring, let alone the next 265...
Our 100th shot finds your humble host in the control room of The Hive, watching the 311 guys rehearse before their tour starts next week, right before we shoot their new music video (that Im directing...did I mention this was a dream come true?). Just watching the guys in their element, away from fans or lookie-loos, they still bring the fucking thundah.I was very impressed with the sound and they seem really ready to kick some ass on the road. I can't wait to make them look even more epic, with a little help from some friends, of course.
It's been a hard, trying week, but being here with the guys and talking to them about my ideas and how we're gonna pull this off just got the blood coursing through my veins again, a total cineboner.
It could also have been the Red Bull Cola. That shit is actually good.
Monday is going to be historic. Ill also be thrilled when its over, if only to get some well-deserved rest. But it will be worth it.
Happy 100 Days of Shots!!!!
Congratz on the video for 311! :)
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