Shot of the Day #23: Locke and Key

If you know me well enough, or just went back enough in this blog, you know I'm a "constant reader", which translates into a devout deciple of the Church of King...Stephen King that is, good sirs and madams. Ever since our house got broken into when I was 6 and I passed the time while the cops filed a report by reading CHRISTINE in Hardback, Ive pretty much read every word spun by the Master of the Macabre, so much so that I kinda consider him the cool dad I never had. In many of his liner notes, introductions and final words, he would refer to his son "Joe" and secretly...I wish it was me. Stalker much? When I heard that Joe began a career in writing (under the name Joe Hill, as to not ride the wave of his famous Pop's success...wise move Joe), of course I was curious, and then was knocked on my hiney when I read his debut novel, HEART SHAPED BOX, which is a small masterpiece and just a sample of what's to come from that dark, fertile head Hill had on his shoulders. If you haven't read HSB (or his collection of short stories, 20TH CENTURY GHOSTS) then don't consider yourself a Horrorhound, just a mere pedestrian. Like father, THANKFULLY, like son.
Since we've been on a comic tip, my good friend/Fresh Ink host Blair gave me the latest issue of Hill's comic title that he created last year, LOCKE & KEY, which is arguably the most accomplished work in the comic genre in a decade; its like the first time you were transfixed by Scorsese's unique film style, it just breaths life in an otherwise stale art form (at least to me). The first collection, WELCOME TO LOVECRAFT, is available as a trade paperback, and the latest chapter in the dark and twistedly engaging saga, HEAD GAMES, just unspooled it's first issue, and I actually stayed late at work to finish it...its just that fucking good. I implore you, even if you hate comics....this one is a piece of frakkin' art.
Yeah, I said Frak. I gots Galactica on the brains!!! NEW EPISODE TONIGHT BABY!!!
I just ordered <3 shaped box... will let you know my verdict. :)
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