Shot of the Day #21: if TV adds 15 pounds... much does an iphone camera add? Jesus. Here it is, was all proud of myself for hitting the gym for a few months and since January 5th-the last time I weighed myself-I had lost 6 pounds! So I was elated, feeling good....till now of course.
Here's "Fatty Magee", Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance and his good friend "Sanch" posing outside G4 between set-ups. Gerard, who is not only an amazing singer (their last album, THE BLACK PARADE, was my soundtrack during the promotion of WT2) but a newly accomplished comic-book writer (check out THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY series, it's pretty fantastic) so we had him in as a special guest for FRESH INK where he reveals some of his favorite "floppies" in the comic world, which was a major honor for us. Took a while to coordinate, but thanks to uber-producer extraordinaire Frank Meyer, we made it happen and here he is. As a HUGE fan of Gerard's work, I had to get a pic with him, and after Frank told me to curb my usual "Lloyd Kaufman meets a serial killer" look (wide eyes, dead stare, pursed lips, etc.) I relaxed my face...and god do I hate my visage here. So much for feeling good about my appearance, sheesh. What a goofy looking fuck.
Great to meet those guys, who were also huge horror fans-Sanch was refreshingly honest about WT2 ("Good gore, loved the Kim death, Rollins was fun...." and...that's about it. Nice! No asshole sunshine here...refreshing.)-so I was thrilled to give Gerard a copy of the movie to check out...and then they left it after they finished shooting.
Not sure if I should take that as a hint...I'm still focused on my fat mug in this shot. Ugh.

PS; Rock star sighting take 2: After the doctor's apt, I took Bri to Urth Cafe and who do we happen upon but Brandon from Incubus, just chillin' with a lady friend sippin' a latte. Naturally, I had to grab a shot...and I think he caught me! Hilarious....and embarrassing. I think that dichotomy is good for the soul.
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