Shot of the Day #279: Dinos of Paradise

One of the benefits of going to KNIGHTS meetings is that the production offices are on the Jim Henson Studio lot on LaBrea (yes, where the hat-tipping Kermit stands). Today's an FX meeting (and boy are there some FX in this fucker) and Im jazzed; this is just as important as casting. Walking to the office, I notice this wonderfully colorful flower, the Bird of Paradise...not really giving any due to the pastel-esque Brontosaurus (I think?) from that ABC show DINOSAURS standing in the BG. I think he was offended.
PS: New Body Count direct from the UK. Green is the DP, hence the lower, Gregg Toland-like angles, which love to find my double chin. Thanks, dick. No I keed. Thanks, asshole!
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