Shot of the Day #277: Kid's got taste.

So of ALL the toys, books and other various crap this kid has at his disposal...and what is his toy of choice? That's right...the Blu Ray of WRONG TURN 2. I shit you not, he loves playing with it. I love this baby.
Today was a very cool one; not only was it the second day of WRONG TURN 2's TV run on SyFy, but I did a "live Twittertary" on my Twitter account as the "TV friendly" version of the film played out. Much to my SHOCK, barely any gore was cut out; rather, whole scenes of dialogue, exposition and character development was edited out! HUH?!? But it made for quite a dialogue on Twitter and I hope it did well ratings-wise, even though I completely disown this version of the film. Remy clearly has the right idea...if you want the goods, watch it UNRATED!
Also, I twitted at such a furious pace, filling my quota of Twits with some cool anecdotes, trivia and my own shortcomings (all in 140 characters or less) that my account got shut down! SHIT! Just when we were getting to the incest scene (which was sadly cut out...duh). So during the third commercial break, I quickly set up another account (@WrongTurn2) and we finished it up. My fingers still hurt, but damn if it wasn't fun! This will likely be the last time i watch WT2 for a long time, so it was good to get out all my grievences with the flick and move on; sucks it had to be such a truncated version of the movie, but still VERY cool that it made it to TV! Top of the world, MA! Well...SyFy at least.
If you want a copy of the live Twittercast, you can download it HERE, (MUCHO thanks to Steve "Uncle Creepy" Barton from Dread Central for all the help; one of the best sites for Horror around)
Nom Nom Nom
hahaha. he's making fists with his toes. cutest baby EVER.
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