Shot of the Day #251: BIG FAN, small "premiere"

At the Silent Theater for a special, "intimate" premiere release of Patton's new film BIG FAN, which was written and directed by Robert Siegel, the screenwriter of THE WRESTLER. In short, the film is like the scrappy little brother to Aronofsky's fantastic 2008 film, with similar themes and tone, as well as a 70's verite style that gives a great impression of Staten Island depression. But Patton....well, I'm bias because Im a friend, but fuck me was he really great in this film. Might be his best work to date as an actor, and should be proud of it. Killer work, man.
But here at the premiere, the media is crowded around this little swatch of 'Big Fan' backdrop where such celebs as Samm Levine, Doug Benson, Andy Richter and the man of the hour himself, who you can see on the left of the frame. So funny to see a mini version of the press line in the back of the theater, kinda cute.
BIG FAN Trailer - Watch more Funny Videos
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