KOB Shot of the Day #1: Spokan(do) Aerial

Hey all,
Yeah, its been a while but Im back on the blog and thought I'd try another little experiment in the middle of this madness. To chronicle each day of my journey into THE KNIGHTS OF BADASSDOM (yes, my new movie. Holy.Shit.) I want to present a SOTD type glimpse into the making of the film, my life during it, whatever happens captured in moments. Just know this wont be a Spoilery type forum for news bits (whoever cares that is) but it will allow me to have some fun and blow the dust off this thing since my vacation from the 365 day experiment last year where I spent more time typing and explaining than shooting, so Ill just let the pictures speak/whisper/scream for themselves. Also yes...Im fully aware Edgar did something similar with cryptic pictures during the filming of SCOTT PILGRIM (which I cannot wait for) and who cares? Doing the SOTD's last year (I believe even before Edgar started production on SP) was cathartic as well as creative and I hope its the same here, and as any filmmaker knows...no two shoots or even days are the same, so why not capture those moments? I hope you enjoy it...I'll enjoy trying not to give too much away and still get some compelling moments to share.

I've been checking your blog almost everyday for what seems like years and... FINALLY you're back, I'm glad to see.
I can't wait to see more SOTD on the set of Knights Of Badassdom.
From a loyal fan all the way over in Australia,
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