Shot of the Day #286: The Reapers Rise...

A few months back, very good friend Steve "Uncle Creepy" Barton asked what I thought of an awards show made for the Horror Home Entertainment niche. Aside from the fact it's about 2 years too late (WT2 came out in 07 and would have SWEPT that shit, yo) I thought it was a great idea to laud the films that sometimes get passed by when it comes to the Oscars and the Independent why not? Steve seemed pleased with the response and said he had something cookin' and that if anything DID happen, he would want Green and I to present. Sure...what's the worst that could happen?
CUT TO: The First Annual Reaper Awards are unfolding in the Roosevelt Hotel, the same location for the first Academy Awards, which really sets a cool, nostalgic tone. After walking the, ahem, "red carpet", sweating my ballsac off talking to a few media types about stuff and getting photographed horribly (I can't wait to cut my hair), Green and I made good on our promise and co-present the "Best Slasher Film" award (which went to buddy Rob Hall's gore-tastic "LAID TO REST"), which ended up going over quite well (Im sure there will be video soon). People said we stole the show with our on-stage bit, where we pretended there were faulty TelePrompTer and we kept reading each others lines (I swear its funnier in the delivery), but I'd say the REAL thief of the awards show was Barton himself, who was completely relaxed and at ease up there commanding the show and making it a very entertaining show...hell they even fed us!
Overall, an AMAZING first show for this nubile young awards shindig, and I think everyone walked away very thrilled and happy it went off without too many hitches. Sadly I had to race home to the fam, but glad I went.
You can see some more shots from my iphone HERE.
To next years! I hope I win a Grimmy someday....they're pretty frikkin sweet.
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