Shot of the Day #160: The Discarded Shades...'s funny. On the rare occasion I/we go out lately, the few people who actually read this blog have said to me: "Yeah, I love catching up on your famous walks with Remy and Banzai!". Yeah, because they are SO exciting! But it is also the rare time i get to:
-Walk around outside, get the blood flowing and some fresh air inside my lungs
-Decompress with my loved ones and share the day's events
-Pick up some ACTUAL shit, not just metaphorical or implied shit from work or otherwise
-Smile for a bit as the sun goes down.
...and today was no exception, although as we were walking I noticed a random pair of sunglasses perched on this odd rock formation in someone's driveway. Something...mysterious about them just sitting there. What the purpose for the granite mini-statue is not known, nor did the owner of said shades anywhere to be found. Likely it belongs to the proprietor of the house as they mistakenly left the glasses to fetch their keys in a pocket...or maybe its a trap of some sort. But these sort of moments i can't help but capture. If you look closely you can see my compatriots walking in the background, clearly not seeing any significance with this image...but it makes for a nice mise en scene, no? Just something about the moment I had to capture.
Welcome to my head.
Also in the news....
-WRONG TURN 2 BLU RAY!: Yup, looks like Fox smartened up and is releasing my first foray into feature filmmaking on glorious high-def! Now all you who said it looked like shit can see we DID shoot it on film...and still say it looks like shit. NOTE TO FILMMAKERS: When they say you only have one day for Telecine...FIGHT THEM TO THE DEATH. Also, sadly, there will be no new special features on this disc, it will be the same release as before, just in HD. I tried all I could to get them to take all the extra stuff we had made, including the Apocalypse teaser commercials, the New York Premiere intro, a cool video interview Icons of Fright did with us at Fango's Weekend of Horrors and of course my "missing" commentary, but well, I just linked you to them so i guess its redundant now, huh? A shame, but I should just be glad its getting the Blu Ray treatment, right? Check out the info HERE.
-FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE FINAL CHAPTER commentary: It's coming out next week and someone here at G4 was kind enough to get me a copy (no thanks to you Paramount...). Im actually happy with the results having just watched it with Bri, who thought Adam and I were very insightful and funny. I think we need to take out act on the road! Check out some of the reviews below:
Dread Central
-BODY COUNT: The latest G4 segment on ATTACK OF THE SHOW will be running next week, stay tuned for details here. Im excited for this one, mainly because the films I picked will definately leave an impression on ya. Let the ranting begin!
-IPHONE 3GS: Fucking A!!! Im so excited, not only because the new iphone has ALL of the features I've been whining about not having on my 1st gen POS (sorry, but you have failed me for the last time iphone), like cut and paste, true GPS, a better camera (sweet! better Shots of the Day!) for video too and much more, but I qualify for getting one at a MUCH cheaper price than new owners. Sweet!!! Check out what you're missing HERE.
Next week should be an interesting one....and it's only gonna get crazier from here. I hate biting my lip!!
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