Shot of the Day #314: Eye on the Pie

Shot with iphone, click to enlarge.
While Mommy was getting "her hair did", I was in charge of Remilish, so to try to coax him to sleep, we took a long stroll down Abbot Kinney in Venice, which reminded me a lot of the East Coast burgs like Port Jeff Station and Newport Beach in New Hampshire. Loved looking into the cool, funky, "How do they stay open?" type shops and galleries along the street; when we move (HOPEFULLY SOON!!!) I'd love to anchor's quite lovely.
One other advantage to this neck of the woods; there's a GREAT pizza place (which Im sure I mentioned here but too lazy to look back) aptly named Abbot Kinney Pizza Co. that uses bagel dough and after passing the sweet smells coming from the front door 3 times, we had to make a pit stop and get a slice. Well, I'D get a slice and Rem would have to duck the crumbs above him. The place has a wide array of different flavors, but their "piece du resistance" is their salad pizza, which is exactly that....a salad on a pizza crust. Sounds simple and plain, but damn if it isn't tasty. AND messy, so I went with a simple white slice with portobello mushrooms and did my best not to flake any down on the baby as I walked down A.K. and the slice really hit the spot. Can't wait for the kid to discover pizza.
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