Shot of the Day #206: Eyes on the Eye of the storm.

Shot with iphone, click to enlarge.
This is the bird's-eye view about 10 feet away from the press line outside Hall H, on the patio of the COnvention Center. Various media types & celebs walking the line to hock their wares are all around me, and I couldn't feel more out of place. Below here is where the G4 "truck farm" is rooted, with long, massively-connected production trucks wedged between these strange art structures, housing the entire G4 family during each production day as well as a craft service area. Its been a great area to be around, actually, being so close to jump into the nerd-infested waters and have sanctuary not far from the place. North of this is where the Hall H attendees are parked in a line that might be a bit less than usual but still out lengthened any line at Disney or Six Flags. All day we'd watch faces pass the window outside of our edit bay as my editor jason furiously chops away at fresh "kills", seeing all the cosplayers and CC newbies alike excited to take another ride in the entertainment world and hopefully believe in magic again. Isn't that why we're all here?
Today was a productive but wearly one, yet ended very strong and strange. I definately didn't wake up knowing where I'd be before laying my head on the pillow again, that's for sure. From The Floor, to this patio where I met some of my favorite LOST cast members (Hurley! Sawyer!! Ben!!! Richard !(?)) and saw Jimmy Fallon shoot the back of my head (wonder if that's gonna make it to air?) the Troma Roast where I actually got up twice to stick it to Lloyd (got to tell the Vomit story, sweet!) and Green & I seemed to make it out alive (a REALLY fun event, you had to be there)... the House of Blues around the corner from my Hotel with Adam & Rileah to see Bear and the gang perform the final night of BSG LIVE!! to a capacity crowd (and my good IndieVest pals Matt & Kevin) which was epic...until I had to leave to go back to work to approve videos. Dammit!... a Roller Skating Rink with Seth Green and his lovely GF Claire who were having a Skate Party to promote the new season of ROBOT CHICKEN? Only to have it shut down after zipping around the rink for 2 songs?? DOUBLE DAMMIT!!! a supposed "awesome" party w/ Green where KISS were supposed to be playing unmasked? Only to get there and find out its "Half-KISS" with Gene Simmons' kid on vocals? TRIPLE LINDY DAMMIT!!!
(Did I mention now my phone died so I couldn't take any more pictures to highlight our night? DAMNI-OK, I'M DONE.)
So glad to be leaving tomorrow. I think I'm officially done with ComicCon this year and I haven't even had one moment to get anything cool, let alone even SEE anything. Buh Bye.
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