Yes! Another Shocktober...and an ABOMINABLE one

Hey (both of you),
Up and ready to jump into the sound mix. One more week and then Im done. Its really sad to think that I've been working on this practically every day since early march, and now, with the final touches being made to it, its almost fully complete. I gotta admit, even though Im very close to the fucker, and it's practically suckling my geek tit, I think people are really going to dig this movie. I really do. If they don't, well then all those friends who groaned at me for bringing over RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD or STREET TRASH to the sleepover parties back in the day can say "I told you he had no taste". Balls in your court boys.
But lo and behold, its October!!! You know what that means kiddies??? TONS of horror related things a happenin' and Im psyched. Never thought I'd say I'd be working on my own horror film around this time, but I can, and that fills my little evil heart with juicy joy.
For now though, as fans of the genre (as I know you little pervs are), go out and start picking up some of the new blood out there keeping the scene alive. Ryan Schifrin, a friend of mine since we chance encountered in line for a 2001 MANIACS screening back in 2005, has his first big feature film coming out tomorrow and its a whopper of a cool monster flick. Whats funny is that I had seen the film twice now, and each time i see it it gets better. The first time was as a "disasterous" (Ryan's words) test screening, but from the ashes of that came a new, meaner, NASTIER cut and its now a VERY fun movie. You dont get too many "monster" movies these days, but Ryan, like myself and a lot of others in our Horror Coffee Klatch, grew up in the 80's heyday of horror, and he proudly wears his influences on screen, and it works. Plus, throw in the talented and beautiful Tiffany Shepis into the mix (who meets a very THE BLOB 88 like climax...nerd alert) and some amazing production value and cast and you have one hell of a night on the couch. It comes out tomorrow. Have you ordered your copy yet?
Here is a link to the ABOMINABLE site..ROAR
Here is a link to myspace page... DOUBLE ROAR!
Happy Shocktober!!!
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